Top Sleep Supplements: Which Brands Are The Best?

Your guide to making the best informed decision...

Are There Any NATURAL Sleep Support Supplements That Actually Work?

Glycine works by lowering your core body temperature. This shortens the time to reach slow wave sleep (REM sleep). Glycine also plays a role in serotonin production. Serotonin is the feel-good neurotransmitter that relaxes as well as decarboxylates into melatonin, the sleep hormone.

What exactly is Gylcine?

Glycine is a fundamental component of serotonin. Serotonin eventually moves down the endocrine chain into melatonin. Melatonin plays a fundamental role in regulating the body’s biological clock. While melatonin governs the entire sleep/wake cycle, serotonin is involved more specifically in supporting REM sleep. 3 grams of Glycine is considered an effective dose for sleep. This is 4 Sooma capsules.

What Else Does Glycine Do?

Glycine is anti-inflammatory. Inflammation degrades organs, arteries, and joints. It attacks our hearts, blood vessels and when unchecked becomes chronic. It is not just a symptom it is also the disease. Glycine, taken as an oral supplement supports the bodies fight to reduce inflammation.

Glycine also helps to regulate sugar levels in blood and moves blood sugar to tissues and cells for consumption as energy. Low glycine levels are associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Contrarily, higher levels of glycine are linked to a lower risk of this metabolic disorder.

Glycine supports healthy PH levels in the digestive tract where it supports the breakdown of fatty acids.

Glycine is a component of creatine synthesis. Creatine is critical to energy for both brain and muscles.

Glycine plays a critical role in the formation of collagen, the repair of our entire body’s structure.

Glycine helps to break down and transport nutrients such as fat and glycogen used by cells for energy. As a result, it supports a strong immune system.

Here’s What We Looked for in a Product

With years of experience, our research team dove into stacks of medical journals and consumer reports and studied exactly how certain vitamins and herbs can promote relaxation and deep, restful sleep. We narrowed the list to 4 ESSENTIAL ingredients that no effective Sleep Support Supplement would be without:

  • Glycine: Glycine works by lowering your core body temperature. This shortens the time to reach slow wave sleep (REM sleep)
  • ​Melatonin: Melatonin is the hormone made by your pineal gland that controls your sleep and wake cycles. Light affects melatonin production, and your body will naturally release more melatonin at night, which is why indoor lighting, TVs, and your cell-phone’s brightness can disrupt sleep
  • L-Tryptophan: Is a vital amino acid and a precursor to the calming neurotransmitter serotonin. Our bodies regularly turn serotonin into melatonin.
  • ​Valerian: is most commonly used for sleep disorders, especially the inability to sleep (insomnia). 
What We Looked For In A Brand:
Strength of Money-Back Policy: A Money-Back Policy shows the manufacturer is so confident in the product that they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is. There’s simply no reason to trust a product that doesn’t offer a money-back policy.

Customer Support: 
A 24-hour customer-support service shows a manufacturer’s commitment to their customers, because 24-hour support isn’t cheap. With any support supplement, you’re likely to have questions, and those questions can arise at any time of the day or night; 24-hour customer service offers a peace-of-mind knowing the answers are only a phone call away.

What We Discovered:
There are tons and tons of sleep formulas out there, and unfortunately, most seem to be merely copy-cats of other sleep formulas, as if they’re all buying the same product from one pill manufacturer and slapping on a different label and price.

However, some formulas did attempt to separate themselves from their competition. And for us, there was a clear winner:

Author Lynette Fredrics

After my years of working in a fitness center, I constantly hear people talking about different products they use to help them avoid feeling tired and lacking mental focus in their daily lives, along with other supplements they use to help improve heart health and fuel their body's weight loss.

It all begins with good SLEEP!

Your body needs good restful sleep in order to regenerate your cells. Especially in a world where immune health is so important, its critical that we all get a good nights rest....NATURALLY

I’ve decided to start looking into these different supplements that I have heard about and new ones I’ve researched online and finally try to make some extra money by having fitness center members try these beets blends and sharing my results to help others.

So now you know a little about me and how my site got started. Also know, I do get a small incentive on some of the products I review.

#1.  Sooma Natural Sleep Supplement For Deep Sleep


  • Contains Glycine
  • ​Contains Valerian Root
  • ​Contains Melatonin
  • All natural ingredients
  • ​No unnecessary fillers
  • ​30-day money-back guarantee
  • ​No Surprise Automatic Rebilling
  • ​US Customer Support


  • ​Shipping took an extra day

The Bottom Line

What exactly is Gylcine?

Glycine is a fundamental component of serotonin. Serotonin eventually moves down the endocrine chain into melatonin. Melatonin plays a fundamental role in regulating the body’s biological clock. While melatonin governs the entire sleep/wake cycle, serotonin is involved more specifically in supporting REM sleep. 3 grams of Glycine is considered an effective dose for sleep. This is 4 Sooma capsules.

This company also includes a winning combination of Valerian root, L-Tryptophan and Melatonin for a winning combination.

When I tried this stuff I slept like a baby, and I actually did have some vivid dreams, the best part is when I woke up I felt super rested and NOT GROGGY AT ALL!

Their return policy was also top of its class—a comprehensive, 30-night, risk-free, money-back guarantee that proved that the company stands behind its products. This was a huge advantage versus the competition, along with overall quality and taste easily put it ahead of any rivaled supplement we found. All in all, THIS was our #1 choice for being effective.

I even got free 2 day shipping!
Results are based on our system and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

#2 - Relaxium


  • Nice packaging
  • Solid Return policy


  • ​No Glycine
  • ​Much More Expensive
  • ​Upset my stomach
  • ​Lot of filler ingredients
  • Has Hydroxyproply Methylcellulose

The Bottom Line

If sleep is a largely underrated requirement of the body that does not only provide an opportunity for your body to repair itself, it is also an opportunity for your mind to compile the data for the day and file away all the important bits in preparation for the following day. This Natural Sleep Aid has been shown to not only help you fall asleep, but it helps you stay asleep through the night so that you wake up refreshed every morning.

This product also worked decently for me, however it has a lot of magnesium which upsets my stomach.

At $39.99 per bottle its MUCH more expensive than our top pick.

* Results are based on our system and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

3. Nights Rest - Sleep Science


  • It was very cheap


  • ​Small Amount of Melatonin
  • ​Missing Valerian Root
  • ​Has many fillers
  • ​Only contains 25 servings

The Bottom Line

Supports multiple body systems related to sleep and relaxation: inhibitory neurotransmitters,hormonal function, the musculoskeletal system, and stress response
Combines the powerful properties of melatonin and GABA with amino acids andsoothing herbs

This product also has a big dose of Magnesium which may help you sleep but can upset your stomach

It does have Glycine but a much lower amount than our top pick

* Results are based on our system and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

On our page you may find affiliate links for which we could be compensated by clicking on them. The information contained within this site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have, expect to have, or suspect you may have any medical condition, you are urged to consult with a health care provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Results are based on the Best Beets Review Ranking System and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.